Oct 1, 2021

As I Was Saying. . .

 ... the world has changed SO much since the last time I posted anything worth reading around these parts. It's been over a decade since I posted on this very page. We've become accustomed to many changes in society, professional life, hygiene, safety, and, perhaps of utter importance to the case of this blog, pop-cultural entertainment. 

Battlelines are seemingly drawn in what we digest, and it has made us batty as hell. So much policing of who can like what and who are real fans tends to repel a lot of folks trying to find something new.

That's partially why I resigned. 

I like the films, shows, shorts, stories, comics, and characters in the Warner Bros library. It's funny how just about everything I enjoyed as a kid and teenager such as Hanna-Barbera, DC Comics, Looney Tunes, HBO, ThunderCats, and so many others would end up in that studio's ownership. I think that's why some people get confused when I'm critical of the company. I'd be dishonest about myself if I totally never found fault in how the things I like are managed or presented. Also, why is t a crime to not like many things from different companies?  Better yet, why do I have to like EVERYTHING Big Media tells me I should like? 

I digress.

What brought me back to this spot? Hell if I know. Maybe I needed somewhere to chew off some thoughts that have been floating around lately but no place to find footing. I need to clear out a lot of things from this massive noggin of mine, so an outlet like this comes in handy. 

Never mind the older articles. They're a fun read, but I'm a lot older and wiser now. This won't be a daily event, mind you. The days of daily updates are laughable and will get boring fast, but I promise I'll have something either weekly or bi-monthly.

Haven't decided yet, it's only the first of the month. 

I think what I'm trying to say is I miss this. Will anybody even want to read these things? Most didn't, except my 18 loyal fans. And to you, I say hallelujah! and thanks for bearing with me.

Keep creating. 



Mark Lungo said...

It's great to have you back, Jeff! As one of those "18 loyal fans", I'll be here for anything you post.

As for Warner Bros., it's perfectly understandable that you love the characters they own but don't always agree with the way they treat those characters. Also, you're not one of those fans who has a kneejerk negative reaction to change of any kind, especially "wokeness". Some changes are good, some are bad, and the best kind of fan evaluates every change on its own merits.

Otakuninja_9000 said...

I Like your stuff too.