What's Your Favorite Animated Short?

As you may be aware if you're following me on social media, I’m currently working on a follow-up to The 50 Greatest Cartoons of All Time, a 1994 book written by Jerry Beck showcasing the best animated shorts ever made. Needless to say, I have a lot to cover and 30 years of new shorts to consider. I’m creating a list of 100 shorts rather than 50 because I wanted to celebrate first 110 years of the medium from 1914 to 2024, from the golden age to the Saturday morning era to the cable boom and Animation renaissance to the rise of the internet and streaming. 

My main list of 100 is fairly set in stone. I know what's in my top 10. I know what's my #1 choice.  

That said, I want to see other perspectives and voices, and I want to gauge other people’s tastes in the medium. 

I'm currently contacting as many folks as I can who love animation as much as I do. Fans of American cartoons, fans of anime, Disney fans, Looney Tunes fans, Hanna-Barbera fans, golden age cartoons fans, creators of cartoons, folks who provide voices for animated projects, executives who produce them today, and folks who appreciate and study the history of the medium. 

I'm asking them all this one question:

What are your five favorite animated shorts and why do you love them?

I know this will take a while, and I'm still working on this project and many others. In the meantime, to the folks reading this, I'm curious. What are your favorite animated shorts/segments? Not shows, shorts. 

Hit me up on Twitter and Bluesky and let me know. 


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