Jan 12, 2006

The "PCTKB" Award

The "PCTKB" Award is a dubious bi-monthly honor I'm going to bestow on an individual, group, or network that either says something that is a jab at another individual, group, or network for doing something that they're doing themselves (thus the name "PCTKB" or "Pot Calling The Kettle Black"). The very first PCTKB goes to Sarah Lane and G4 for the comments said on the 1/12/06 episode of Attack of the Show.

Here's the comments verbatium:

"The A&E Network is busy producing a brand-new reality series set to star KISS demonoid Gene Simmons. This begs the question, 'What the hell does the name A&E stand for anymore?' It ain't Art, and it sure as hell ain't Entertainment."

Yeah, G4: Video Game Television, which used to be known as G4techTV and currently airs Street Fury, Fastlane, The Man Show, and Star Trek: The Next Generation in light of getting rid of all technology-driven series and slowly dissolving video-game shows that don't begin with the letter X. What the hell does the name A&E stand for? Surely you guys, who stayed true to your own mission, must know, right?

1 comment:

Chris Sobieniak said...

Nowadays too often cable networks are beginning to stray away from what they used to stand for.

A&E isn't so much "Arts and Entertainment" anymore as they want to go after a wider demographic now that they've gravitated much of their previous material over to "The Biography Channel", a channel originally set up for their "Biography" and other documentaries, but now has became something of an A&E TOO" these days.

G4's also going down that path as well, practically becoming something of a "Spike TV II" themselves. I feel sorry for the gamers who used to tune to G4 for their fixes (I miss that they used to show "Starcade" before the TechTV merger).