Sep 20, 2004

Big Time SuperheroTM Coming Through. . .

I mean, big time TXB update coming this Friday.

You remember TXB, right? It's that lame action-oriented webpage with the sporadic updates because the webmaster doesn't have time to get online much except to post inane comments on various fan forums?

Yeah, The X Bridge will have reviews, feature articles, commentaries, databases, Toonami talk, and all other sorts of things to make your head boggle. I'll also enlighten the masses about this thing called X-Ventures Comics a little more further.

I would have had it up Monday, but life got complicated . . . plus I'm still editing the reviews, including this one show that has an unemployed 19-year older recruited by a toy company to wear this funky looking battle suit and living in an apartment complex filled with rivals and villians. Melrose Place meets Ultraman with a touch of Tenchi Muyo. Great show. I'll talk about it later in the week.

The big upload begins later today for me for the big time update on Friday. THIS Friday. I mean it.